11 October 2018: General Assembly of BCC

The Business Consultants Council General Assembly was held to discuss the achievements of the association.

The discussions focused on the BCC full membership in the World Institute of Management Consulting (ICMCI) as the only member from Kosovo to provide professional certification. “Certified Management Consultant – CMC, for local consultants, the first digital consulting platform.org for evaluating consultants and the role of BCC as a promoter of management consulting.

Event continued with modifications on foundation’s statute and afterwards with the election of the new BCC board, after all the participants who were present, voted anonymously.

The chairman of the board was elected Mr. Visar Dobroshi (elected chairman by a majority of votes) from Recura Financials. Other board members were elected: Valon Canhasi from Hallakate, Hana Qerimi from Digital School & Star Labs, Lekë Zogaj from 2M Consulting, Yllka Metaj from Aztech, Viola Haxhillazi from Mazars Albania and Kosovo, and Aldo Spahiu from Sao Advidors, who will contribute to capacity-increase of the association for a 2-year term.