15 August: Peer to Peer Intervision: Digital Marketing

Today was held the second meeting of professional activities called Peer to Peer Intervision, exchanging perspectives between experts related to different sectors.

The focus today was on Digital Marketing, where they talked about trends during Covid-19, how businesses should prepare for the future and what are expected to be post-Covid trends in this field.

The experts present shared their experiences and perspectives on the level of use of digital marketing by businesses, making a comparison of the time period before and during Covid-19.

A Conference will be held, as a continuation of this activity, to mark the International Digital Marketing Day. Also, another Conference will be held to mark the International Social Networking Day.

We thank the experts for their contribution: Rrota (Donjeta Sahatciu), Besfort Behrami, Hana Hoxha, Black Bird Marketing (Art Raifi), Pixels Productions (Gezim Avdiu) and Manaferra (Faton Sopa).

This project is funded by the EBRD Small Business Advice in Kosovo and the European Union (EU) Enterprise Development Investment Facility (WB EDIF)