23 September 2020: ECIKS joins BCC as a Patron Member

Welcome and congratulations to our newest Patron member!
From now on, ECIKS continues the common journey with BCC, as a Patron member.
ECIKS, has been a member of BCC for 5 years. With CMC® certified team, has over 17 years of experience in the consulting market. The team consists of dedicated professionals, specializing in management consulting, business strategy, foreign direct investment, private sector development, investment and export promotion, research and analysis, and digital transformation.
As a consulting company, ECIKS has consistently shown success in the implementation of projects and initiatives with private and public organizations, not only in Kosovo, but also in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Albania.
ECIKS has been cooperating with BCC since 2013, through financial grants, facilitation of accreditation in ICMCI / CMC®, certifications for digital transformation, enabling the participation of BCC consultants in various consulting schemes. Today, BCC and ECIKS are continuing the successful cooperation in the implementation of the ACCESS project, which aims to increase the capacity of consultants, create a digital presence and digital transformation of local enterprises.

Check ECIKS website here: https://eciks.com/